What’s coming up at Historic Clarkstown Reformed Church
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Week 2023 begins on Palm Sunday.
On Palm Sunday Christians remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem the week before He died on the cross. Jesus had done signs and wonders that caused many common people believe he was a great prophet sent by God. Some believed Him to be4 the Messiah and expected him to re-establish the Kingdom of David in Jerusalem.
When he arrived in Jerusalem to celebrate what would be his last Passover, crowds welcomed Prophet Jesus into the city by laying cloaks and tree branches on his path as he rode into the City of David humbly, riding on a donkey.
At our 10:30 AM service we will pass out palm crosses and branches as a reminder of Jesus’ triumphal entry into His city, we will read the Gospel passage of the palms, have a procession of palms, and read the Passion of the Lord from Luke’s Gospel in multiple parts.
The Sacred Triduum:
Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday
The three most sacred days of the Christian year are the days of the Sacred Triduum: Maundy (Holy) Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday
Maundy Thursday recalls the meal at which the Lord instituted the Eucharist, giving us a meal in which to remember Him and make Him present to all believers of every age. At that meal He also gave us the great commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” Mandamus is the Latin word for commandment, and from it we get the name of the day “Maundy.” This is also the night when the Lord was he the feet of His disciples to show us that we must also humbly serve each other.
At 7:00 PM the Church will celebrate the Lords supper, and during the course of the service the Pastor will wash and anoint the hands of anyone present who wishes to participate
Good Friday is the celebration of the Lord’s passion and death on the Roman cross. In the cross God reveals his character to his people: He is the God who holds nothing back from his beloved. He loves us so much that He is wiling to pour out everything He has for us in sacrificial love. The story of the cross is God’s love story for his often faithless people.
We will read the story of the Passion of the Lord starting at Noon on Good Friday, and the church will be open for quiet prayer from Noon to three. At 7:00 PM we will have a Tenebrae service which tells the story of the cross in prayer, readings and song.
Easter Sunday celebrates Lord’s resurrection from the dead. Three days after his death, Jesus rose from the grave a glorious victor over sin and death. He appeared to Mary Magdalene, then to Peter, then to the disciples on various occasions. He assured them that he lived not as a resuscitated corps but as a glorious and immortal One, He told them to be at peace, and he promised them, and us, the Spirit.
Our festive Easter service will be on Sunday April 9th at 10:30 AM